Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Direct Selling Companies coming to Market

As you know, with the tough economic times currently hitting everyone, many companies are looking for other channels of distribution for their product or service. Many are feeling the pain of the times, and looking for other revenue streams to salvage sales that are declining. Fortune 1000 companies both domestic and international are entering our industry every day of the week. Many we hear about in the early stages - some we hear about 3-5 years later and some never. That is why it was so important for me to create my Direct Selling Best Practice Report on my website at http://www.mlmdivausa.com/ to allow people to have a checklist to reference to when they are looking at all of the companies out there. It does get overwhelming at times! Many are becoming completely virtual and several are moving over to more of an affiliate or loyalty program vs. the common MLM compensation plan. There are also new financial programs out there that you must be cautious of when joining. Many companies are trying to be unique and different and offer a program that no one has ever seen before. This channel, as we know, is a unique channel, one that has to be done in integrity and one that is built around developing relationships. In my heart, I do believe this industry offers the best products and programs available vs. something sitting on a shelf at a local store. And you know, when a company designs a product for you to share with YOUR family and friends, they know that the product must be superior as well as provide a solid product story and results!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Consumables vs. Services (intangibles)

This industry is broken up in to 2 categories of products; intangibles and tangibles. Some of your decision will be based on the end product experience. The other components are the financial opportunity and the people behind the company and what they offer. So let's talk a little about the 2 personalities of the product. Are you comfortable with a tangible product which means an actual product (consumable) being digested (or used) every month (30 day supply) or an intangible item such as a service being offered on a monthly basis. Either way you, you must experience the process yourself and determine if this is a viable business opportunity that you can promote each and every month. When it comes to re-sale to a costumer or the autoship program (distributor and preferred customer); is this a strong and viable product or service that I can sell or promote to everyone and feel good. Services provided on auto-ship or re-sale are a different type of sale - so making sure the selling process works for you is important. A large portion of your downline commissions will be derived from the revenue created in your your organization from your customers and distributor purchases each and every month (repeat sales). So make sure that the repeat order of the product or service is a strong and engaging experience and creates a high level of VALUE! Make that decision if the company you choose to go with needs to be a company that offers a product or service! Go to http://www.mlmdivausa.com/ and download my FREE report on further information.